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Get Prepared for your Remodel in less than a Weekend.

Learn How to Use the Ultimate 163 Point Checklist to

Get Your Remodel Off to a [ Profitable ] Start.

Are You Really Ready For Your Home Remodel?

Hi,   Dave with Profitable Home Remodeling.

Thank you so much for picking-up your copy of The Ultimate 163 Point Home Remodeling Checklist.

The download link has been sent to the email address you provided on the previous page.   But before you go download the checklist and get started you need to read this article first.  

Because now that you have this checklist,  I want to show you how to get the most out of the information you collect.

It's a fact we all live in the fast-paced  information age, and that's not always a good thing.

It's simply not enough to have lots of information, even on your own home,  if you don't put it to good use.

That's why you need to learn how to put the information you'll be collecting to good use in your upcoming remodeling plans.

Then you'll have the most successful remodel possible.

What you'll learn could help you avoid spending thousands of dollars on the wrong remodel project for your home.

Before you read any further take a minute to truthfully answer the question above.

 Are you really ready for a remodel?

Take a minute to think about this . . . .I'll wait .  .   .   .

You see, most homeowners have a habit of jumping right into the remodel project they have in mind, or the one they were told would add value to their home.  Without a second thought.

Only to find out later ($100's or maybe $1,000's of dollars later) that there were some hidden surprises waiting for them.

  • Out dated plumbing or electrical
  • Potentially dangerous Mold, Mildew, and Dry-rot.
  • Structural or Foundation issues
  • Permits and Planning Department delays

Turning their simple weekend remodeling project into weeks or maybe even months of seemingly never ending stressful torture.


With financially costly changes to the remodel plan,  time consuming visits to the 'home improvement' store,  second guessing of the project by friends and family.   And worst of all arguments with their neighbors, friends, or maybe even their spouse.

It's not their fault, most homeowners have no way of knowing the potential problems.

But you can!


Your home is one of the biggest investments your family owns!

It stands to reason that you would want to know everything about your home before you start any remodeling project.

Big Or Small.

You're going to spend Hundreds or maybe even Thousands of dollars on a remodel.

Are you really ready?

If you can't answer that question with a confident "Yes I Am" chances are you're not!

You've takeen a great first step by getting your free copy of


Now let me help you take the next step.

With the help of our  Know Your Home Execution Plan you can positively answer that question with a YES.

Know Your Home -  Execution Plan

Learn How to Fully Prepare Yourself and Your Home for a [Profitable] Home Remodel


Start your home remodeling project off right!

Imagine what it will feel like to start your remodeling project off with the confidence of knowing that you, your family,  and your home are ready for a remodel.

The security of knowing that you've done everything possible to insure your remodeling project will go smoothly.

As planned, on budget, and stress free.

The Know Your Home Execution Plan is a  set of worksheets, checklists, and training that walks you through every aspect of your home.

With it you will:

• Gain confidence with a first-hand review of all major components of your home  -- You'll know the strengths and weakness of your home and what to address.

• Review your documents -  You'll verify what's in the public record and how it affects the value of your home.

• You'll gain peace of mind knowing that you've inspected the appliances, heating and cooling system, and more.  Avoiding  costly surprise expenses, and help keep your project on budget.

• Complete a Scale Drawing of your home -  You'll have an accurate complete drawing of your home to begin work in a 3D drawing program.   When completed you'll be able to draw out any remodel ideas, and see them live on your computer or tablet,  and revise them as needed.   Then use the final version for getting bids, making plan drawings, and developing materials lists.

All in just one weekend.

You'll be ready to decide your families short and long term remodeling plans with confidence.


Having worked in the home improvement industry for over 6 years, I can tell you countless stories of home remodeling projects that went wrong.

You've probably heard a few of these stories from friends and family as well.

  • The friend who's nBuilding your home value.ew flooring was ruined by a water leak that went undetected.
  • That family member who started to remodel their bathroom only to find dry rot under the tub, and had to completely tear up the sub-floor in two rooms in order to finish.
  • The neighbor who built a shed in his backyard, only to have the city code enforcer come by and tell him he didn't have the proper setback from his property line - and it had to be moved!
  • Your (brother or sister)  who planned a simple bathroom remodel, only to find out the old plumbing was decayed and had to be completely removed - at great expense.

I've helped hundreds of homeowners plan and execute their remodel projects.  Often times after they were in over their heads,  over their budget and completely stressed out.

You don't have to take my word for it.   Ask any contractor you know,  they'll all tell you the same thing.  The best remodel projects are done when the homeowner knows the condition of their home and the scope of the project before they start the work.

It all starts with Knowing Your Home. 

Know Your Home -  Execution Plan

Learn How to Fully Prepare Yourself and Your Home for a [Profitable] Home Remodel


After helping hundreds of people with their remodeling projects,  watching them struggle,  and waste thousands of dollars, I decided to take action.

There's plenty of advise (good and bad) on HOW to remodel your home,  but virtually nothing explaining where the average homeowner needs to start.

After answering these same questions numerous times,  I decided to put my advise down on paper.

When I was finished, I  was left with a simple, easy-to-follow  “Execution Plan” that incorporated what I believe to be the best practices for starting a home remodel.

Here's a sampling of what's covered in the plan:

  • The Ultimate Home Analysis Checklist - You'll verify the Current Condition of Your Home
  • Home Document Analysis Checklist - You'll verify the Information in Your Ownership Documents
  • Major Appliance Fact Sheet - You'll Listed the make, model, condition, and service record.
  • Emergency Contact List - To Keep Your Family Safe - Even when you away from home.
  • Scale Drawing Template - Prepare to Use in Remodeling Software.
  • Learned the Value of Home Maintenance
  • Maintenance and Repair MATRIX - Create a Pre- Remodel Maintenance and Repair Punch List

Personally, I wouldn’t attempt to start a home remodel without having a proven, step-by-step guide to prepare my home and my family for the project.  

Especially considering that you're likely to spend between $2500 -  $4500 on your home remodeling project.  

In my experience with hundreds of homeowners,  there's simply no good reason not to be prepared when spending this amount of money. 

Have you ever heard the expression "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success"  Alexander Graham Bell

The same applies here!

At, we’ve already done all the hard work, helped people who've made all the mistakes and figured out what works (and what doesn’t).

And believe me, I've seen people make some costly ones....

…and I do this stuff for a living!!


That’s why I decided to document WHAT WORKS  and put it into simple, easy-to-follow execution plans so any homeowner can get their home remodel started off right.

So now you don’t have to go it alone!

You'll find other websites selling ebooks and remodeling courses for $47 - $97,  but for a very limited time I’ll let you have instant access to this execution plan for just $7.


You'll get instant access to the members area of our website where you can Read the complete Execution Plan and Download the Worksheets and Checklists.

Literally, you can have one of those fancy coffees at Starbucks or you can:

  • Get hands-on knowledge of the condition of your home.
  • Get reassurance that your public record information is accurate
  • Get your repair and maintenance projects up to speed
  • Start your remodeling project off with confidence

The information contained in this Execution Plan could save you thousands of dollars, and get you started on your remodeling project with clarity and confidence.

And you get the entire plan today for just one payment of  $7.

But I urge you not to delay.   This offer is only going to be available for the first 250 people who take advantage of it.   After that the price will go up.

Try it risk free: If you are not satisfied for any reason you can return it for a 100% refund,  and keep the worksheets and checklists for free.

Click on the Add to Cart Button below.

Yep,  Just  $7.00

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Frequently Ask Questions.

What’s an Execution Plan?

It’s not quite a course and it’s definitely not just an ordinary report or ebook…

…our Execution Plan is more like a “checklist on steroids!”

Here's how it works,

Click the Add to Cart button above.  We'll send you a link to our Profitable Home Remodeling member's login page.

You'll create a login name and password.

You get access to our members area, and the checklists and worksheets.

It's that simple.

Why 7$ ?

If you’re thinking “$7 is cheap…what’s the catch?” then here are three reasons that should put your mind at ease:

  1. $7 puts this information within the reach of everyone…from first time homebuyers to long time homeowners  (And at $7, you shouldn’t have to get approval or be afraid of spending too much $$)
  2. It weeds out the freebie-seekers. We only want serious homeowners who take action, and in our experience charging anything…even if it’s just $1…gets rid of 99% of the chuckle-heads.
  3. We know you're not familiar with our brand or our work,   and this will give me a chance to prove my self to you.   All I ask in return is that you give me honest feedback on the products if you don't like them.
  4. I also believe that once you experience this Execution Plan, you’ll want more and maybe…just maybe…you’ll come back, buy more as I build out our complete Execution Plan Library.


But that’s it…

No fine print…no “hidden trials”…no shenanigans. Just the information you need and the results you want.

Is there a guarantee?

Yep…all our trainings have a 60-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.

In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let me know and I’ll give you your money back. I obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease. You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!

How long will it take to get access to this guide?


Your login and access information will be sent to the email address you provide, and there will be instructions on the next page that explains how you can access the Execution Plan inside of our Members Area.

So, What's it going to be?

Take the first step in Knowing Your Home,

or getting another coffee at Starbucks,

and forever wondering if I'm right or not?


It's just that simple.


Yep,  Just $7.00

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