Category Archives: Our Approach to Home Remodeling

Building Home Equity with Smart Home Remodeling

Building Value in Your Home? Where you live makes a BIG Difference!

The 2017 Cost vs Value Report by Hanley Wood Products was recently released. One of the enlighting points in the report is how much the costs change based on geography. Now, everybody knows that the cost of good and services change depending on the location. So the challenge for any homeowner wanting to build value in…

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2017 Cost Vs Value Report – Is your remodeling project going to add value to your home?

With the housing market starting to recover, many homeowners are looking to invest in new remodeling projects. The question is:  What remodeling project is going to add the most value? In the Hanley Wood / Remodeling Magazine –  2017 Cost Vs Value Report – you get a national and regional answer to that question. The report, which…

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Could this Revolutionary Homeownership / Student Loan Forgiveness program be coming your way?

Anyone with student loans knows the toll they take on your finances.  Often times leaving these families out of the wealth building opportunities of homeownership.   But that could all change if the new program created by the state of Maryland catches on.   In November 2016,  the state rolled out Maryland SmartBuy.    This $10…

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Home Value Optimization – [Home Analysis Checklist]

Is your next home remodeling project going to add value to your home. The average American Homeowner spends  $1,600 a year on home remodeling / home improvements according to The U.S Department of Commerce. That’s a pretty big annual investment for most families, considering that average spend  does not include the annual home maintenance expenses. Let’s put that…

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What’s Your Motivation for Remodeling? – How do you stack up?

Remodeling your home is a very personal endeavor. Every family has a different motivation. Discover how you stack up in comparison to the recent home survey. In it’s annual Houzz and Home Survey home remodeling and decorating powerhouse discovered some very interesting facts about the intent of homeowners regarding their remodeling plans. “According to…

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