Home Value Optimization – [Home Analysis Checklist]

Is your next home remodeling project going to add value to your home.

The average American Homeowner spends  $1,600 a year on home remodeling / home improvements according to The U.S Department of Commerce.

That’s a pretty big annual investment for most families, considering that average spend  does not include the annual home maintenance expenses.

Let’s put that into a long-term investment perspective.

First Year –  $1,600

Five Years –  $8,000

Fifteen Years –  $24,000

When you add this to your annual repair and maintenance costs, you’re spending a considerable sum of your hard earned money on your home over the years.

Wouldn’t you like to know how you can keep some of this money?

It’s no secret,  with a little planning you can take control of your remodeling and other expenses and make this money work for you.

To build value into your home!

And with the help of Uncle Sam and the  Tax Relief Act of 1997  you can keep some, if not all,  of the investment in your home.

The KEY is:

Plan your home ownership investment from the very beginning.

That starts with making smart choices that will help grow the value of your investment over the years.


But keep in mind,  just one bad decisions could cost you thousands of dollars and prevent you from building equity in your home.


Home Value Optimization should be your goal with every home remodel project that you consider.


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It’s a simple process the will help you determine if your house is ready for a remodel and what projects you should consider next.

Six Steps to Home Value Optimization

Know Your Home

Know Your Neighborhood

Always Be Selling

Plan Your Improvement

Build Your Team

Your Dream Home


Want to learn more visit the Home Value Optimization page.

IF you’re ready to get started download our free Ultimate Guide Home Analysis Checklist.

In just one weekend you can discover everything you need to know about your home

to get started on Home Value Optimization.