Survey Says: People are thinking about buying a home.

Or,  A rising tide lifts all boats.   I’ll explain my thoughts on that later….

Data courtesy of National Association of Realtors

Data courtesy of National Association of Realtors

A new survey by the National Association of Realtors® finds that an increasing number of Americans believe that owning a home is a good investment.  That most believe they could sell their home for at least what their initial purchase price was.

“The survey, which measures consumers’ attitudes and concerns about housing issues, found that building equity; wanting a stable and safe environment; and having the freedom to choose their neighborhood remain the top three reasons to own a home. The number of renters who are now thinking about purchasing a home has increased since the last survey in 2013, up from 36 percent to 39 percent.”  According to the National Association of Realtors®

“Home ownership is part of the American Dream, and this survey proves that this dream is alive and thriving in our communities”  that according to NRA President Chris Polychron.

Of course this one survey does not indicate that the real estate market is awash with pent-up buyer demand.  And in fairness, there are some people who are willing to be homeowners, but are unable to make a purchase at this time.

“Seventy-eight percent of respondents say college debt and student loans are the main barriers to them in making a home purchase affordable.”  NRA®

With said I stick by,  A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats.

To me this survey indicates that:

There are people thinking about buying a home.

That homeownership is something important to them.

That someday they will in fact make that purchase.

If you’re a homeowner now,  one of these people could be making an offer on your home in the near future.

Is your home ready,  or more important will it be ready to get the highest market price when the new buyers are hitting the market?

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